Hello! Long time, no BLOG! =P Ha ha Okay, well, I just spent my blogging time on getting pictures up, so I'll just do a brief summary about the past few weeks and what these crazy images are of.
*PETRA! *Being sacraficed on a REAL altar at the "High Place" *My girls and I love each other *Angie and I in twinner-BYU-Tees *On my horse William Shakespeare *Jordan valley *Beach dancing *Mt. Nebo *and finally, dressing up with my Jordan rommie... Ali Beifuss! What a blast all these things were!
Well, it is far to late/early in the morning, for me to be avoiding bed. I'll write again soon... perhaps in the next few days about my excersion to the beautiful Dome of the Rock! I love my study abroad still and am so grateful for every element of my life!
❤ ❤ ❤ XOXO ❤ ❤ ❤
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